• Question: what is your fav part of the body inside and out?

    Asked by groovyman123 to Adam, Joanna, Louise S, Louise W, Marcus on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Louise Stanley

      Louise Stanley answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      My mouth as I like talking 🙂 Or my brain as I wouldn’t like not being able to think anymore….. Too many to chose from so my conclusion is ALL of it!!!

    • Photo: Joanna Giles

      Joanna Giles answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      I would cheat a bit and say my central nervous system – my brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord receives information from the skin / eyes / nose etc takes the messages to the brain and translate them to allow me to feel things. It allows me to react quickly by reflex and also think for a long time about things. Pretty important so definitely my favourite!

    • Photo: Louise Walkin

      Louise Walkin answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      I think outside it would be eyes – they are amazing! When you think of all of the incredible things in the world, it would be horrible not to be able to see. I found out a year ago that I have an eye disease which has been fixed for the moment but the thought of losing my eyesight was very scary so I always take very good care of my eyes. Inside I think it would be the kidneys, they are so good at cleaning our blood and keeping our bodies healthy. I also think it’s great that we have two of both of them! Then when anything goes wrong we have a back-up! You can still live a normal life with one kidney (whether you lose it through illness or if you donate it to someone who needs a new kidney) and you can still live a normal life with eyesight only in one eye.
      What’s your favourite?? 🙂

    • Photo: Adam Paige

      Adam Paige answered on 19 Nov 2012:

      Kidneys – I run a teaching practical for our second year students (which they are doing last week and this week). They are given a microscope slide with a thin section of kidney tissue on it (and three other tissues they do not know – so I won’t give them away here!). They stain the tissues (H&E staining) with two dyes to show up the tissue and cells clearly. They then looks at the tissue to see its structure. They also see kidneys from an individual with kidney disease, and have to identify the disease. We get to see all the internal structures of the kidneys (the glomeruli which filter blood and the tubules where we reabsorb everything we want to keep and allow all the waste we don’t want to form urine). The students have had some really fantastically stained kidney sections which can be clearly seen and identified, and they really enjoy the challenge of working out what they are looking at.
