• Question: wat is dna?

    Asked by stupidsausage to Adam, Joanna, Louise S, Louise W, Marcus on 13 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Louise Stanley

      Louise Stanley answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      DNA – stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is what makes us who we are! It is made up of four bases with the letters A, T, C and G. These letters are arranged in lots of different but very specific orders to spell really long words (but only with the letters ATCG so they don’t make much sense to us!). These words however, make a lot of sense to machinery in out bodies as the words code for proteins which are the buildling blocks of us. We get half our DNA from our mum and half from our Dad.

    • Photo: Joanna Giles

      Joanna Giles answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      Yep as Louise said. Really all DNA is is a chemical that is arranged of 4 different chemicals in a long chain to give everyone an individual code of life.

    • Photo: Adam Paige

      Adam Paige answered on 14 Nov 2012:

      Bizarre as it seems, this chemical is found in all living organisms and is the set of instructions for how to build that living organism and keep it alive.

    • Photo: Louise Walkin

      Louise Walkin answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Yes, basically DNA is the set of instructions for for us as a whole! There is DNA in the nucleus of every cell, and using the 4 letters A,C,T,G a code is created that is unique to us! 🙂
