• Question: r u religous, athiest or big bang bang believer?

    Asked by stupidsausage to Adam, Joanna, Louise S, Louise W, Marcus on 13 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Joanna Giles

      Joanna Giles answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      I’m open minded! I do believe strongly in science, and the things like the big bang and evolution. But who is to say that there is nothing else out there?

    • Photo: Marcus Wilson

      Marcus Wilson answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      I am not religous and neither are most scientists, but a good scientist is always open minded and willing to accept new ideas, so i wouldnt call myself an atheist either.

      So i would say Im not sure.

    • Photo: Louise Stanley

      Louise Stanley answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      I personally believe in the big bang and evolution but I also respect other individuals who have religious beliefs. I know of several scientists who religous and are excellent scientists.

    • Photo: Adam Paige

      Adam Paige answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      I am not atheist and a big bang believer, but I know plenty of scientists who are religious and also a big bang believer.

      It is quite possible to believe in God and also to believe that the big bang and evolution are true. No science experiment can prove God exists, but also no experiment can prove God does not exist either. In science we want to prove and understand the rules that our Universe works by. But we cannot tell if those rules arose naturally or because God made the Universe work by those rules. It remains a matter of personal belief.

    • Photo: Louise Walkin

      Louise Walkin answered on 14 Nov 2012:

      I was brought up Catholic, but I still believe in science! Evolution is something that you cannot deny, so the creationism argument doesn’t really hold much, and seems a little simplistic. 7 days to make everything??
      I think having a religion doesn’t mean you can’t be a good scientist, you might even question things more. I do think it’s nice to believe in something that gives you faith in things. Also that there might be something after death, whatever it may be!
